Our 2022-2023 Robot: glacier!
Thank you to our sponsors and everyone who made this season possible, from starting the season without a clear home to having one of the most competitive robots in the world has meant a lot to this team.
IN South League Rank 1
IN South League WAC
IN South League Inspire 2
IN State Rank 4
IN State SAC
IN State Promote Award
IN State Inspire 3
4th Globally Highest OPR
Some things we are proud of this season:
◦ Coaxial Virtual 4 Bar means we can pick up fallen cones or flip fallen cones from any angle, and from the front or back of the robot.
◦ First year using odometry allowed us to get one of the highest auto scores in the world with a 1+5.
◦ Robot largely 3d printed ABS or made with lasercut wood.
◦ Compact 13.5x13.5 Frame.
◦ Custom PID controls on all lift and arm motors.
Engineering Portfolio (officially submitted)
Team 11329 looks forward to competing at MTI this off-season! For any questions about the team or robot reach out via email , discord (@emer_zun #1765), or on Instagram @ftc11329 ! 🧊🥶❄️